This tends to lead to the next obvious question: What do Termites Look Like?
Don't worry, most people haven't actually seen a termite before and they have no clue what a termite looks like. Termites are pretty sneaky bugs. They tend to stay underground or in the wood they are eating. This makes it rather hard to identify termites or there presence.
Termites have 6 legs and 2 antenna like other small bugs. But close examination will reveal some very distinct characteristics.
Termite antenna are simple. The go out from the termites head with a simple outward curve. They are not bent like an ants antenna. These antenna also have the appearance of being made up of little beads.
The termites body is wide from head to torso. In fact a termites body gets continually wider as you move away from the head.
Due to their secretive nature, termites prefer to stay out of the light. They have pail semi-translucent bodies. Sometimes they are called white ants due to this light coloring. Some of the soldiers will have darker colored heads that appear to be a light copper color.
Termites are blind. Unlike many other insects that have compound eyes, termites have no eyes at all. They rely on scent and touch to get around.